DataPoint Module : Applications Software
Enable users to create business applications software. Support native C programming for advance users to create sophisticated applications.
In addition to the tradition of data import/export, an advanced Import/Export tool also allows data structures of any application created to be aggregated and exported as a single file ready for importing to any DataPoint platform. This enables backup and sharing of any application data structures.

For Your Business
Store and maintain your structured business data centrally.
Create any business data applications.
Build data applications.
Reminder list per event.
Historical records keep track of your business activities.
Records of different application database tables can be linked with each other, allowing users to setup more efficient relational records.
Applications created are runnable.
Allow customizable report creation, and flexible data query.
Free to write notes and locate them over each photo and the contents are fully searchable.
Aggregate notes, photos, videos, voice memos, and documents in a single page record.
Allow defining datatype, lookup, list of values and data relationships on business data structure.
Choice of integration with email, dialer, http link, Google Map.
Support multi-users and record sharing privilege.
eBulletin Board to share selected records for different user groups in the organization.
Import and export data in Excel format.
Advanced Import/Export tool auto-aggregates data structures of any DataPoint application into a single file and make it ready for copying to any DataPoint platform.
Fleixble advanced development tool enables technical users to build further complex data applications.
Multi-languages switching.